The first thing we ask every broad that walks though our door is if she’s over 18. So this dumb bitch replies “of course I’m over 18, I just turned 19”. At first glance you can tell there’s no fucking way this string haired stretched out whore is even in her early twenties. I don’t understand why these dumb cunts lie about their age, first off we’re going to pound the shit out of them the exact same way, they can be18 or 38, second of all we need 2 pieces of photo id before we shoot! Where else can you walk in to an interview, have the first words out of your mouth be a lie and still get the job? Sometimes even I’m amazed how nice we are, giving odd jobs to unemployed, uneducated, unskilled, lying chicks who would most likely get fired from their job at Wendy’s by some pimply faced 16 year old assistant manager. We know it can be hard out there working for “the man” that’s why we are such good folks, take in these lost souls, give them work and help them follow the right path. Ok we pay them a nominal fee to ram cock so far down their throats they can hardly gasp for air, ram their pussy and ass until they have red gaping holes, spit at and smack their overly made up faces, then feed them cum from guys they don’t even know. Strangely enough many of these stupid cunts want to come back for more, must be because we’re such givers, it’s in our nature, what can I say:-) |